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ECP Graz 2024

European Cultural Parliament ECP
21st Session Graz 19th – 21st April 2024

European Culture after the “Zeitenwende“

Friday 19th April

Afternoon: Check In at Hotel DANIEL, Europaplatz 1, 8020 Graz,

17.00   Arrival at Volkskundemuseum, Heimatsaal, Paulustorgasse 13a. Registration. Coffee.

18.00   Opening of 21st Session


  • Luise Kloos, Organizer ECP Graz, and Karl-Erik Norrman, ECP-Secretary General
  • Claudia Unger, Councilor City of Graz and Director of Volkskundemuseum
  • Pär Stenbäck, ECP-President
  • Christine Braunersreuther, Councilor City of Graz – on behalf of Elke Kahr, Mayor
  • Sandra Holasek, Member of Parliament – on behalf of Christopher Drexler, Governor of Styria

Keynote speeches

  • “Zeitenwenden in Europe – Perspectives on Conflicts, Crises and Culture of Memories”

Barbara Stelzl-Marx, University of Graz, and Director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research on Consequences of War

  • “Can we trust AI? State of the Art. Opportunities. Risks”

Roman Kern, Technical University Graz, Chief Scientific Officer Know Center

19.15    Plenary session
including a presentation of guests and new ECP-members, and the schedule of the conference.
Moderation by Karl-Erik Norrman

20.00   Reception offered by the Governor of Styria, Christopher Drexler


Saturday 20th April

09.00   Arrival at Heimatsaal/Volkskundemuseum

Keynote speech

  • “The struggle for the survival of Europe as cultural and political entity must continue.”

ECP-President Pär Stenbäck

Plenary debate on the topic of the ECP session including

  • “Philosophy and Culture in Europe after the Zeitenwende” by Stelios Virvidakis (Greece), Moderation by Mary Miller (UK)

11.30   Coffee Break

11.50   Plenary debate including

  • European Culture and Russian Aggression: To be or not to be?”

by Alex Zakletsky (Ukraine)

  • Post-War Reconciliation and Mutual The Power of Cultural Diplomacy”

by Gintautas Mažeikis (Lithuania)

13.00   Intermezzo: Lisa-Marie Mahler, Saxophon

13.15   Lunch

14.15   “Cultural Strategy 2030 – The Cultural Future of the Province of Styria”

by Sandra Kocuvan (Land Steiermark), Heidrun Primas/Werner Schrempf (Consultants)


ECP Workshops

  • Workshop 1: Are Machines Taking Over? Arts & Culture in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

AI Expert: Roman Kern (Austria), Moderation: Stelios Virvidakis (Greece)

  • Workshop 2: Presentation of Upcoming Projects and Co-operation Initiatives by members

Moderation: Francois Carbon (Luxemburg)
Contributions by Steve Austen (Netherlands), Robert Pyrah (UK), Savina Tarsitano (Italy), Eliza Hoxha (Kosovo).
This workshop is a chance for all members to introduce new ideas or proposals!

16.30   Coffee Break

17.00   Presentation

  • “AI3 – African-European Intercultural Dialogue between Tradition and AI”
    by Titus Leber (Austria)
  • “Silk Road Culture Hub”
    by Levan Khetaguri (Georgia), Ioseb Khakhaleishvili and Temuri Shubitidze (Georgia)

17.30   Presentation of Georgian and Albanian project of interest to the ECP
“Projects of the Union of the Albanian Communities in the region” by Greta Xhakolli (Albania)

18.15   General plenary debate

19.00   Reception offered by the Mayor of Graz, Elke Kahr

20.00   Concert by Lucia Rauchenberger/transverse flute and Eduard Lanner/stage piano, Rimantas Vingras, stage piano


Sunday 21st April

09.00     Arrival at Heimatsaal/Volkskundemuseum. Coffee.

09.30    Presentation of reports on the workshops

09.50 “Commemoration on Igor Mitoraj, sculptor 1944 – 2014” by Bartlomiej Struzik

10.00    Plenary session including debate and adaptation of a “Graz-Declaration of the ECP”

12.30   Lunch

Guided City tour


“OUT OF FRAME”, by Brisilda Bufi, 2021, Albania
“THE DECOLONIZED MARS” by Marlene Mautner, 2021, Styria


European Cultural Parliament
Karl-Erik Norrman

next – Verein für zeitgenössische Kunst
Luise Kloos, Tel: 0043 699 11460941


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